THE ELEPHANT ON THE SEESAW is an original, one of a kind signed 6x8 digital work on heavy paper. The piece began as a vintage snapshot of an unknown woman sitting alone on a seesaw in a more innocent age. Has she put on weight? Oh God I hope not. Do ladies still seesaw? Have insurance companies killed seesaws? I digress. The world is so out of balance. So many elephants in the room! Where to begin in this age of see-sawing emotions. Up one day. Down the next. Covid. Environment. Unrest everywhere from subways to Texas where lewd blue books are polluting liberries. Can we talk about politicians? Yeesh. It’s not about the Republicans. It could be a Donkey sitting there. Plenty of asses to go round in both parties. Greed and self-interest abounds. Maybe we should restore the monarchy. It’s worked so well in the mother country.
Find my other designs on stuff like pillows and stickers in the KetchumArt Store here: teepublic.com/ketchumart. But buy the print first. Thanks.
Find my other designs on stuff like pillows and stickers in the KetchumArt Store here: teepublic.com/ketchumart. But buy the print first. Thanks.