COLOR OUTSIDE THE LINES is an 8x6 signed, limited edition print of ten on paper. It’s about not sticking to the rules and builds on a found black and white vintage coloring book page that showed a fed up young girl taking charge. The caption is as it appeared. Pretty radical for the late 1930s, early 40s. I’m sure the girl shown didn’t color inside the lines.
Coloring books have big, bold, black lines and kids are taught not to color outside those lines.
It’s is an utterly ridiculous admonishment. For me, coloring books were a great escape and I, too, was told to “stay inside the lines.” So of course I didn’t. I didn’t like the given boundaries. Never have. And besides, why stay within the lines when there is so much empty white space outside the lines. Fill in the blank space yourself.
“You have to color outside the lines once in a while if you want to make your life a masterpiece.” That’s what the scientist Albert Einstein said. And was a pretty smart dude.
Take Albert’s advice. Dare to live outside any preset line. Explore outside accepted “normal” boundaries.Break the rules. Obliterate them altogether if you want. Create your own lines. I mean, who better to establish new boundaries and rules than you!
Coloring books have big, bold, black lines and kids are taught not to color outside those lines.
It’s is an utterly ridiculous admonishment. For me, coloring books were a great escape and I, too, was told to “stay inside the lines.” So of course I didn’t. I didn’t like the given boundaries. Never have. And besides, why stay within the lines when there is so much empty white space outside the lines. Fill in the blank space yourself.
“You have to color outside the lines once in a while if you want to make your life a masterpiece.” That’s what the scientist Albert Einstein said. And was a pretty smart dude.
Take Albert’s advice. Dare to live outside any preset line. Explore outside accepted “normal” boundaries.Break the rules. Obliterate them altogether if you want. Create your own lines. I mean, who better to establish new boundaries and rules than you!