BLACK SEA WITH FLOWERS TOO is an original, one of a kind, signed 8x6 digital work on heavy paper inspired by an image in an old book I used in another version. A little funny. A little dark. I don’t know why. Maybe because of current world darkness. The new Dark Ages. Somebody got to turn on the lights. Flowers suggest hope. Brain coughs it up. I make a visual translation of it. Helpless to intercede. The Black Sea got its name from the Greeks who called it the Inhospitable Sea. It was a mariner’s nightmare and the tribes on shore were kind of hostile, too. Hmmm. Sounds familiar. Sail on, Oh Ship of State.
See my designs on apparel, magnets and stuff in the KetchumArt Store at teepublic.com/ketchumart. But buy this print first
See my designs on apparel, magnets and stuff in the KetchumArt Store at teepublic.com/ketchumart. But buy this print first