Painting, Prints, Sculpture. NOTE: Commissions available using your photos.

So like the Wicked Witch we are melting. In the West. And the East. Even Portland Oregon. Baked. Roasted. Hotter than hell. So bake a cake. RIGHT ON THE SIDEWALK. No oven needed. Frost it. FROST! Brrr. You'll need cold ice cream as a go with. Mother nature's reward for her nasty heat snit.
Perfect kitchen wall art!
And find the cupcake (think houseguest gift) on tees, onsies, pins, magnets, pillows, etc. in the Ketchum Store: Thanks. And remember, the summer solstice thing happened so we are well on our way to winter. Brrr.
Perfect kitchen wall art!
And find the cupcake (think houseguest gift) on tees, onsies, pins, magnets, pillows, etc. in the Ketchum Store: Thanks. And remember, the summer solstice thing happened so we are well on our way to winter. Brrr.