This original 7x8 digitally created, signed print turns the table on the famed logo for RCA which depicted a dog listening to his master's voice emanating from a period victrola with its huge horn.The dog in this adaptation of a vintage cartoon is not listening to his master. Rather the pooch commands his owner to speak. Speak to me! I need attention. I have separation anxiety. And, as you know, dogs are masters in the canine-human realm. Sit! Feed me! Walk me! Roll over! Shake hands! Stay! Speak!
In 1898 the English artist Francis Barraud painted his brother's dog, Nipper. Nipper, with his head slightly cocked hears his master's voice. Victor Talking Machine Company began using the image as their trademark His Master's Voice in 1900. Nipper the painted dog joined the RCA company in 1929. Soon he was famous the ad's words were heard everywhere.
The words became "La voix de son maître" in France, "La voz de su amo" in Spain, "La voce del padrone" in Italy, "Die Stimme seines Herrn" in Germany, "Sahibinin Sesi" in Turkey and on and on. For my work Speak To Me becomes parle moi (French), hablame (Spanish), sprechen sie mit mir (German), and na-ege malhae (Korean). Kapeesh? Oh, the dog orders you to buy the print for his house or no treat. Thanks.
Artspan also offers this print in unsigned, inexpensive print sizes. Just click the Prints on Demand icon here on this page, pick the size you want and order it. After you buy your prints from Artspan, find the design on pillows, tees and other inexpensive stuff in my Ketchum Art Store www.teepublic.com/t-shirts/ketchumart.
In 1898 the English artist Francis Barraud painted his brother's dog, Nipper. Nipper, with his head slightly cocked hears his master's voice. Victor Talking Machine Company began using the image as their trademark His Master's Voice in 1900. Nipper the painted dog joined the RCA company in 1929. Soon he was famous the ad's words were heard everywhere.
The words became "La voix de son maître" in France, "La voz de su amo" in Spain, "La voce del padrone" in Italy, "Die Stimme seines Herrn" in Germany, "Sahibinin Sesi" in Turkey and on and on. For my work Speak To Me becomes parle moi (French), hablame (Spanish), sprechen sie mit mir (German), and na-ege malhae (Korean). Kapeesh? Oh, the dog orders you to buy the print for his house or no treat. Thanks.
Artspan also offers this print in unsigned, inexpensive print sizes. Just click the Prints on Demand icon here on this page, pick the size you want and order it. After you buy your prints from Artspan, find the design on pillows, tees and other inexpensive stuff in my Ketchum Art Store www.teepublic.com/t-shirts/ketchumart.