Painting, Prints, Sculpture. NOTE: Commissions available using your photos.

So, taking time off from all the scandals about unholy abuse within the church, it was announced by the Pope that gays can't be blessed because, um, "God does not and cannot bless sin."
A gay guy (or gal, presumably) should know that God "blesses [the] sinful man, so that he may recognize that he is part of his plan of love and allow himself to be changed by him."
So much for AMORIS LAETITIA, the Pope's thing about the JOY OF LOVE. All this judgment stuff in organized religion. What happened to "If you judge someone else, you can be judged. Do not judge hypocritically." Jesus said so. In the Bible, Matthew 7:1. Yeesh!
The signed 10x8 print was adapted from a mixed media painting I created from a repurposed early 1900s English Pears Soap ad. The shower curtain was stolen from an Edward Hockney painting. The pope was cut from a postcard sent to me from Rome in the 60s. And the shower guy was a found b&w photo used in a 50s magazine.
The soap slogan was typical Pears ads in their innocence, often with clergy at hand. The unchanged border slogan says, "A nice little boy had a nice cake of soap worthy of washing the hands of the Pope." Somehow seems less innocent now with all the revelations in the church.
This work is also available in unsigned, inexpensive print sizes. Just click the Prints on Demand icon.
A gay guy (or gal, presumably) should know that God "blesses [the] sinful man, so that he may recognize that he is part of his plan of love and allow himself to be changed by him."
So much for AMORIS LAETITIA, the Pope's thing about the JOY OF LOVE. All this judgment stuff in organized religion. What happened to "If you judge someone else, you can be judged. Do not judge hypocritically." Jesus said so. In the Bible, Matthew 7:1. Yeesh!
The signed 10x8 print was adapted from a mixed media painting I created from a repurposed early 1900s English Pears Soap ad. The shower curtain was stolen from an Edward Hockney painting. The pope was cut from a postcard sent to me from Rome in the 60s. And the shower guy was a found b&w photo used in a 50s magazine.
The soap slogan was typical Pears ads in their innocence, often with clergy at hand. The unchanged border slogan says, "A nice little boy had a nice cake of soap worthy of washing the hands of the Pope." Somehow seems less innocent now with all the revelations in the church.
This work is also available in unsigned, inexpensive print sizes. Just click the Prints on Demand icon.