Painting, Prints, Sculpture. NOTE: Commissions available using your photos.

RATZ I AM AN ARTISTE is a 7x5 original signed digital work on paper. I was reading a recent N.Y. TImes obit which reported that the dead architect once told a client, I am NOT a decorator. I am an artist.
It reminded me of my first solo show when a heavily-Guccied lady asked me if I could do a work to go with her Laura Ashley wallpaper. Ratz, lady. I am an artist, not a decorator. I didn't say it because of the suck up factor artists must follow vis-a-vis clients.
To underscore the importance of the word artist, I added an "e." For E-xcellence, E-gotist, And E-nuff already. The rat is a stolen, reworked Banksy-ish thing. The colors are red, white and blue because the Rat is an American artist known for his work with roller and paint made from all natural dyes. No chemicals.
Fellow satire and politically inclined artistes take heart from what the Irish guy Edmond Burke wrote hundreds of years ago, "By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation."
You can buy the original signed print, or purchase a less expensive print on demand in various sizes. Just click the Prints on Demand icon.
After you buy the original work and order additional prints for friends and lovers, find the design on pillows, tees and other inexpensive stuff in my KetchumArt store
It reminded me of my first solo show when a heavily-Guccied lady asked me if I could do a work to go with her Laura Ashley wallpaper. Ratz, lady. I am an artist, not a decorator. I didn't say it because of the suck up factor artists must follow vis-a-vis clients.
To underscore the importance of the word artist, I added an "e." For E-xcellence, E-gotist, And E-nuff already. The rat is a stolen, reworked Banksy-ish thing. The colors are red, white and blue because the Rat is an American artist known for his work with roller and paint made from all natural dyes. No chemicals.
Fellow satire and politically inclined artistes take heart from what the Irish guy Edmond Burke wrote hundreds of years ago, "By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation."
You can buy the original signed print, or purchase a less expensive print on demand in various sizes. Just click the Prints on Demand icon.
After you buy the original work and order additional prints for friends and lovers, find the design on pillows, tees and other inexpensive stuff in my KetchumArt store