A 1902 illustration is appropriated, re-penned (magic marker) and overlaid on a cloudy background and mounted on a second set of clouds. On paper. 10x8.
The original image is from a book on phrenology by L. A. Vaught, published in 1902. It purports to "acquaint all with the elements of human nature and enable them to read these elements in all men, women and children in all countries." Hmmm. Seems this is done by measuring the shape of heads, features, space between eyes, etc. "More than a million observations have been made to confirm the examinations. In the book's entirety it is absolutely reliable. Its facts can be completely demonstrated by all who will take the unprejudiced pains to do so. It is ready for use. It is practical. Use it." Indeed.
The original image is from a book on phrenology by L. A. Vaught, published in 1902. It purports to "acquaint all with the elements of human nature and enable them to read these elements in all men, women and children in all countries." Hmmm. Seems this is done by measuring the shape of heads, features, space between eyes, etc. "More than a million observations have been made to confirm the examinations. In the book's entirety it is absolutely reliable. Its facts can be completely demonstrated by all who will take the unprejudiced pains to do so. It is ready for use. It is practical. Use it." Indeed.