Sometimes to be proper and beautiful by rigid public opinion, you shave the legs, the pits. The moustache. But for what? THIS?!? What a waste of time. You could’ve been sitting home with the cats and bingeing on Häagen-Dazs with Piper Chapman or Rick and Morty. You could’ve finally finished the scrapbook, or tuned up your Harley Softail. You could have been writing a trhee act play. But no. Instead, you cleaned yourself up and went out. For what? This! Yeeesh!
This is a signed limited editon of ten on paper. Mounds of shaving cream are piled on top of a barber pole background. An emoji being is the central focus of the drama.
The design also available on tee shirts, pillows, magnets, etc. in my KetchumArt Store, www.teepublic.com/ketchumart. But buy your fine art print first here on Artspan. Thanks.
This is a signed limited editon of ten on paper. Mounds of shaving cream are piled on top of a barber pole background. An emoji being is the central focus of the drama.
The design also available on tee shirts, pillows, magnets, etc. in my KetchumArt Store, www.teepublic.com/ketchumart. But buy your fine art print first here on Artspan. Thanks.